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Drop Off Intake Checklist 2024

First review the intake sheet with the client and ensure all questions are answered. Then complete this checklist to answer additional questions needed by the Drop Off team.

This is the primary taxpayer - confirm which taxpayer is normally listed first (if filing a joint tax return).

The Prosper Tax Help income limit is $60,000 (adjusted gross income) for individuals, $85,000 for a tax household of 2-4 people, and we add $5,000 for each additional member beyond 4 people.

Choose all that apply.

Submit a new form for each tax year the client will be filing. 

Example: when preparing a 2023 return, did the taxpayer arrive during 2023? Answer no if the taxpayer is a US citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident (i.e. green card holder).

If you aren't sure what information you need to include, use the checklist.

You should have answered this question on the intake sheet.

Check the intake sheet for the answer.

Check the intake sheet for the answer or review the taxpayer's documents.

Select all that apply.

You can also include bank info here for direct debit if there's a balance due.

More info on "US Savings Bonds Fast Facts" (bilingual) on CTC Resources.

Demographic Questions

If you have any other notes you would like to include, please first scroll to the top of this checklist and add them in that initial box.

Also! Don't forget to indicate in the Hub ticket if the return needs to be sent to the Foreign Students and Scholars program.